Pre-Employee Moved event

This notification can be sent when a pre-employee in an admission process is moved from a status to another.
This step is available to enterprise accounts.


The following ids represent the dependent type ids:

IDDependent Type
164a646f-cc83-462e-8f83-f206703d6843Companheiro(a) com o(a) qual tenha filho ou viva há mais de 5 (cinco) anos ou possua declaração de união estável.
3808db5b-b808-4cf0-97c6-9ac15cc98125Filho(a) ou enteado(a).
4360f57d-bce0-49eb-90f7-e4d0d680e045Filho(a) ou enteado(a), universitário(a) ou cursando escola técnica de 2º grau.
94a1ba31-e6a4-49ce-8d6f-f92630e49a9cIrmão(ã), neto(a) ou bisneto(a) sem arrimo dos pais, do(a) qual detenha a guarda judicial.
d8e32995-e253-43d8-b632-b4317b21ee97Irmão(ã), neto(a) ou bisneto(a) sem arrimo dos pais, universitário(a) ou cursando escola técnica de 2º grau, do(a) qual detenha a guarda judicial.
bd1254c0-21b8-4b72-9152-c4ff41402f47Pais, avós e bisavós.
b8a3e77a-fcf1-40ea-80cf-aea313969043Menor pobre do qual detenha a guarda judicial.
b0264e29-fa41-454e-8a06-8de38b7a9e68Pessoa absolutamente incapaz, da qual seja tutor ou curador.

Notification properties

The notification will be sent with the following properties:

jobobjectBasic job information
↳ idintegerJob identifier
↳ namestringJob name
↳ departmentobjectJob department information (id, name, code and similarity)
↳ roleobjectJob role information (id, name, code and similarity)
↳ branchobject/nullJob branch (id, name and code)
↳ customFieldsarrayCustom fields of job
↳↳idstringCustom field id
↳↳titlestringCustom field title
↳↳valuestringCustom field value (if value is filled, otherwise this field will not be available)
applicationobjectApplication information
↳ idnumberApplication identifier
↳ scoredoubleScore of the candidate given by the Gupy platform
↳ preHiringInformationobjectPre-hiring step information (if this step is used in the job)
↳ tagsarrayTags applied to the application
↳ currentStepobjectCurrent step of the application
↳ ↳ idstringStep identifier
↳ ↳ namestringStep name
candidateobjectCandidate information
↳ namestringCandidate name
↳ lastNamestringCandidate last name
↳ emailstringCandidate e-mail
↳ identificationDocumentstringThe identification document of the candidate (in Brazil is the CPF number)
↳ countryOfOriginstring/nullCountry of origin of the candidate (eg. Brasil)
↳ birthdatestring/nullBirth date of the candidate
↳ addressZipCodestring/nullAddress zip code
↳ addressStreetstring/nullAddress street name
↳ addressNumberstring/nullAddress number/complement
↳ addressCitystring/nullAddress city
↳ addressStatestring/nullAddress state full name
↳ addressStateShortNamestring/nullAddress state short name (eg. SP)
↳ addressCountrystring/nullAddress country
↳ addressCountryShortNamestring/nullCountry short name (eg. BR)
↳ mobileNumberstring/nullMobile phone number
↳ phoneNumberstring/nullPhone number
↳ schoolingstring/enum/nullCandidate schooling
↳ schoolingStatusstring/enum/nullCandidate schooling status
↳ disabilitiesbooleanCandidate is a person with disabilities
↳ genderstring/enum/nullCandidate gender (Male, Female, Other, NotInformed)
preEmployeeobjectPre-employee's admission process info
↳ idnumberPre-employee's identifier
↳ fullNamestringPre-employee full name
↳ statusstringCurrent admission status id (current step in the admission process)
↳ statusNamestringCurrent admission status name (current step in the admission process)
↳ previousStatusstringPrevious admission status id (previous step in the admission process)
↳ previousStatusNamestringPrevious admission status name (previous step in the admission process)
↳ hiringDatestringDate which a pre-employee started the admission process
↳ admissionDeadlinestringDate that blocks a pre-employee from sending documents. (default of 7 days after hiringDate)
↳ documentsTemplateobjectAn object containing information from a template of documents used in an admission process of a pre-employee
↳↳ idnumbertemplate of documents id
↳↳ namestringAvailable only after pre-employee accepted the admission process invite
↳ documentsobjectAn object with all informed documents (from pre-employee and its dependents, if available).
↳↳ preEmployeearrayA list of all documents from employee
↳↳↳ idnumber/stringThe document id
↳↳↳ namestringThe document name
↳↳↳ valuesobjectAn object with document fields
↳↳↳ schemaobjectThe base schema from document
↳↳↳↳ idintegerSchema identifier
↳↳↳↳ namestringSchema name
↳↳↳↳ companyIdinteger/nullIdentifier of the company that created the document. Gupy default documents will be null
↳↳↳↳additionalPropertiesobject/nullAn object listing all additional properties of the schema
↳↳↳↳ uiSchema (deprecated)objectAn object listing all UI properties of the schema
↳↳↳↳ schemaobjectThe second level schema from document
↳↳↳↳↳ requiredarrayA list of all required fields from schema
↳↳↳↳↳ propertiesobjectAn object listing all field types and names
↳↳↳↳↳descriptionstringAn optional description of the schema
↳↳↳↳↳dependenciesobjectAn object listing the possible dependencies of the schema
↳↳↳↳↳definitionsobjectAn object listing the possible definitions of the schema
↳↳↳ validationobjectThe validation of a document
↳↳↳ missingbooleanTells whether a pre-employee has the document or not
↳↳ dependentsarrayA list of all pre-employee's dependents
↳↳↳ namestringThe dependent name
↳↳↳ dependentTypeIdstringThe dependent type id.
↳↳↳ documentsarrayA list of all documents from this dependent. Follows the same structure as admission.documents.preEmployee.
↳↳ stepsarrayA list of all steps with forms that a pre-employee filled
↳↳↳ stepNamestringThe name of step
↳↳↳ formsarrayFilled form with pre-employee data
Follows the same structure as admission.documents.preEmployee.
↳↳↳ triggerStepbooleanIndicative that the step is an integration trigger
↳ positionobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position
↳↳ positionIdnumberid of position
↳↳ integratingAgentstring/nullPosition integration agent
↳↳ contractEndDateDate/nullContract end date
↳↳ paymentRecurrencestring/nullPosition payment recurrence
↳↳ registrationstring/nullPosition registration
↳↳branchobjectPosition branch (id, name and code)
↳↳departmentobjectPosition department information (id, name and code)
↳↳roleobjectPosition role information (id, name and code)
↳↳costCenterobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position cost center
↳↳↳idstringCost center id
↳↳↳namestringCost center name
↳↳↳codestringCost center code
↳↳↳branchobjectCost center branch (id, label and code)
↳↳↳departmentobjectCost center department information (id, name and cod
↳↳workShiftobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position work shift
↳↳↳idstringWork shift id
↳↳↳namestringWork shift name
↳↳↳codestringWork shift code
↳↳↳descriptionstringWork shift description
↳↳↳workloadstringWork shift workload
↳↳ customFieldsarrayCustom fields of position
↳↳↳idstringCustom field id
↳↳↳titlestringCustom field title
↳↳↳valuestringCustom field value (if value is filled, otherwise this field will not be available)
↳↳↳isIntegratedbooleanCustom field integration flag
benefitsEnabledbooleanBenefits feature activate flag
benefitsobjectPre-employee's benefits info
↳contractsarrayList of pre employee’s benefits adherence contracts
↳↳idstringBenefits adherence contract id
↳↳namestringBenefits adherence contract name
↳transportVoucherobjectBenefit transport voucher info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit transport voucher id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit transport voucher title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit transport voucher type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit transport voucher signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit transport voucher description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit transport voucher term and condition (true or false)
↳↳reasonForNotWantingstring/nullBenefit transport voucher reason for not wanting (when the pre employee does not adhere to the benefit)
↳↳modalitystring/nullBenefit transport voucher modality (Ônibus, Trem or Metrô)
↳↳amountDaystring/nullBenefit transport voucher amount day
↳↳itinerarystring/nullBenefit transport voucher itinerary
↳dentalPlanobjectBenefit dental plan info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit dental plan id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit dental plan title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit dental plan type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit dental plan signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit dental plan description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit dental plan term and condition (true or false)
↳↳includeDependentsstring/nullBenefit dental plan term include dependents flag (Sim or Não)
↳↳dependentsarrayBenefit dental plan dependents
↳↳↳idnumberBenefit dental plan dependent id
↳healthAssuranceobjectBenefit health assurance info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit health assurance id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit health assurance title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit health assurance type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit health assurance signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit health assurance description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit health assurance term and condition (true or false)
↳↳includeDependentsstring/nullBenefit health assurance term include dependents flag (Sim or Não)
↳↳dependentsarrayBenefit health assurance dependents
↳↳↳idnumberBenefit health assurance dependent id
↳lifeAssuranceobjectBenefit life assurance info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit life assurance id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit life assurance title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit life assurance type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit life assurance signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit life assurance description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit life assurance term and condition (true or false)
↳↳beneficiariesarrayBenefit life assurance beneficiaries list
↳↳↳namestringBenefit life assurance beneficiary name
↳↳↳percentageOfParticipationstringBenefit life assurance beneficiary percentage of participation
↳↳↳relationshipstringBenefit life assurance beneficiary relationship
↳foodAndMealobjectBenefit food and meal info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit food and meal id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit food and meal title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit food and meal type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit food and meal signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit food and meal description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit food and meal term and condition (true or false)
↳↳offerOptionsstring/nullBenefit food and meal offer options (Vale refeição + Vale alimentação, Vale refeição or Vale alimentação)
↳↳observation1string/nullFirst benefit food and meal observation
↳↳observation2string/nullSecond benefit food and meal observation
↳otherarrayBenefit other infos
↳↳idnumberBenefit other id
↳↳titlestringBenefit other title
↳↳typestringBenefit other type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignaturebooleanBenefit other signature flag
↳↳descriptionstringBenefit other description
↳↳termAndConditionstringBenefit other term and condition (true or false)
↳↳observation1stringFirst benefit other observation
↳↳observation2stringSecond benefit other observation
  "companyName": "ACME",
  "id": "24e99765-8583-4be5-87ae-489c86642964",
  "event": "pre-employee.moved",
  "date": "2019-06-19T23:48:46.952Z",
  "data": {
    "job": {
      "id": 19139,
      "name": "Developer",
      "department": {
        "id": 45,
        "code": "45124",
        "name": "App Development",
        "similarity": "technology"
      "role": {
        "id": 56,
        "code": "123456",
        "name": "Developer",
        "similarity": "developer"
      "branch": {
        "id": 1895,
        "code": "1234",
        "name": "GUPY > BRANCH 1"
      "customFields": [
          "id": "7bd3b8ba-180b-4ae2-b397-240f8fb249c6",
          "title": "Pergunta",
          "value": "Resposta"
    "application": {
      "id": 2937132,
      "score": 71.570454783086,
      "preHiringInformation": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
      "tags": [
      "currentStep": {
        "id": 86547,
        "name": "Pré-contratação"
    "candidate": {
      "id": 1999450,
      "name": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identificationDocument": "25272626207",
      "countryOfOrigin": "Brasil",
      "birthdate": "1994-11-16",
      "addressZipCode": "01414-905",
      "addressStreet": "Rua Haddock Lobo",
      "addressNumber": "595 - 10º andar",
      "addressCity": "São Paulo",
      "addressState": "São Paulo",
      "addressStateShortName": "SP",
      "addressCountry": "Brasil",
      "addressCountryShortName": "BR",
      "mobileNumber": "+5511999990000",
      "phoneNumber": "+551130000000",
      "schooling": "technical_course",
      "schoolingStatus": "complete",
      "disabilities": false,
      "gender": "Male"
    "benefitsEnabled": true,
    "benefits": {
      "contracts": [
          "id": "48fd89f7-7457-4ff3-b26d-0c5956b51a40",
          "name": "Contrato de adesão ao benefício de plano odontológico"
          "id": "269228a3-422a-4d6c-8ce0-cc2f82100ae7",
          "name": "Contrato de adesão ao benefício de seguro de vida"
      "transportVoucher": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "reasonForNotWanting": null,
        "modality": null,
        "amountDay": null,
        "itinerary": null
      "dentalPlan": {
        "id": 6045,
        "title": "Plano dental 340",
        "type": "optional",
        "needSignature": true,
        "description": "Descrição do plano odontológico",
        "termAndCondition": "true",
        "includeDependents": "Sim",
        "dependents": [ 
            "id": 8369 
      "healthAssurance": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "includeDependents": null,
        "dependents": []
      "lifeAssurance": {
        "id": 6046,
        "title": "Beneficio seguro de vida",
        "type": "optional",
        "needSignature": true,
        "description": "Descrição do benefício de seguro de vida",
        "termAndCondition": "true",
        "beneficiaries": [
            "name": "Pedro",
            "percentageOfParticipation": "50",
            "relationship": "Filho(a)"
            "name": "Henrique",
            "percentageOfParticipation": "50",
            "relationship": "Filho(a)"
      "foodAndMeal": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "offerOptions": null,
        "observation1": null,
        "observation2": null
      "other": [
          "id": 5987,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros",
          "type": "optional",
          "needSignature": true,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio Outros</p>",
          "termAndCondition": null,
          "observation1": null,
          "observation2": null
          "id": 5990,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros 2",
          "type": "mandatory",
          "needSignature": false,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio outros 2</p>",
          "termAndCondition": "true",
          "observation1": "Qualquer observação 1",
          "observation2": "Qualquer observação 2"
          "id": 5989,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros 4",
          "type": "optional",
          "needSignature": true,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio outros 4</p>",
          "termAndCondition": "true",
          "observation1": "Qualquer observação 1",
          "observation2": "Qualquer observação 2"
    "admission": {
      "status": "SIGNING_CONTRACT",
      "admissionDeadline": "2019-06-26T00:00:00.000",
      "hiringDate": "2019-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
      "documentsTemplate": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "List of Documents"
      "documents": {
        "preEmployee": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "CNH",
            "values": {
              "name": "Pre-Employee",
              "number": 1313213
            "validation": {
              "status": "APPROVED",
              "validatedAt": "2020-09-17T22: 49: 10.981Z",
              "companyUserId": 1
            "schema": {
              "id": 1,
              "name": "CNH",
              "companyId": null,
              "additionalProperties": {
                "additionalProperty1": {
                  "attribute": true
              "uiSchema": {
                "name": {
                  "ui:field": "text",
                  "ui:options": {
                    "option1": true,
                    "option2": [
                    "option3": {
                      "attribute1": "value1",
                      "attribute2": 2
                  "ui:help": "text"
                "number": {
                  "ui:field": "number"
                "ui:order": [
              "schema": {
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Nome Completo"
                  "number": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "title": "Número da CNH"
                "description": "",
                "dependencies": {},
                "definitions": {}
            "missing": false
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Comprovante de residência",
            "schema": {
              "id": 2,
              "name": "Comprovante de residência",
              "companyId": null,
              "additionalProperties": {
                "isCity": {
                  "cidade": true
                "isState": {
                  "estado": true
                "isCountry": {
                  "pais": true
              "uiSchema": {
                "cep": {
                  "ui:field": "text",
                  "ui:options": {
                    "mask": [
                    "exactLength": {
                      "title": "CEP",
                      "expectedLength": 8
                "pais": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "tipo": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "bairro": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
                "cidade": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "estado": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "numero": {
                  "ui:field": "houseNumber"
                "ui:order": [
                "logradouro": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
                "complemento": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
              "schema": {
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                  "cep": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "CEP",
                    "description": "00000-000"
                  "pais": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "País"
                  "tipo": {
                    "enum": [],
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Tipo"
                  "bairro": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Bairro"
                  "cidade": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Cidade"
                  "estado": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Estado"
                  "numero": {
                    "type": [
                    "title": "Número"
                  "logradouro": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Logradouro (ex: nome da rua)"
                  "complemento": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Complemento"
                "definitions": {},
                "dependencies": {}
        "dependents": [
            "name": "Dependente 1",
            "dependentTypeId": "3808db5b-b808-4cf0-97c6-9ac15cc98125",
            "documents": [
                "id": null,
                "name": "Dados do dependente",
                "values": {
                  "cpf": "12345678900",
                  "name": "Dependente 1"
                "validation": null,
                "missing": false,
                "schema": {
                  "id": null,
                  "name": "Dados do dependente",
                  "companyId": null,
                  "additionalProperties": {},
                  "uiSchema": {
                    "name": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "cpf": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "ui:order": [
                  "schema": {
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "name": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Nome"
                      "cpf": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "CPF"
                    "description": "",
                    "dependencies": {},
                    "definitions": {}
        "steps": [
            "stepName": "Benefícios",
            "triggerStep": true,
            "forms": [
                "id": null,
                "name": "Plano de Saúde",
                "values": {
                  "cpf": "12345678900",
                  "name": "Fulano de Tal"
                "validation": null,
                "missing": false,
                "schema": {
                  "id": null,
                  "name": "Plano de Saúde",
                  "companyId": null,
                  "additionalProperties": {},
                  "uiSchema": {
                    "name": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "cpf": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "ui:order": [
                  "schema": {
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "cpf": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "CPF"
                      "name": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Nome"
      "position": {
        "positionId": 1000,
        "integratingAgent": "senai",
        "contractEndDate": "2023-10-31T03:00:00.000Z",
        "paymentRecurrence": "mensalista",
        "registration": "123321",
        "department": {
          "id": 1,
          "code": "1234",
          "name": "Development"
        "role": {
          "id": 523,
          "code": "44322",
          "name": "Developer"
        "branch": {
          "id": 3321,
          "code": "123",
          "label": "BRANCH > BRANCH 1"
        "customFields": [
            "id": "7bd3b8ba-180b-4ae2-b397-240f8fb249c6",
            "title": "Pergunta",
            "value": "Resposta",
            "isIntegrated": true
        "costCenter": {
          "id": 448,
          "code": "CODCENCOST",
          "name": "NomeCentroCustoXYZ",
          "department": {
            "id": 19605,
            "code": null,
            "name": "Area 1"
          "branch": {
            "id": 116304,
            "code": "ARAPIRACA",
            "label": "BRANCH > ARAPIRACA"
        "workShift": {
          "id": 3,
          "code": "TURNO 2",
          "name": "Teste Turno",
          "description": "Descrição",
          "workload": "180",
          "letter": "ABC"