Pre-Employee Moved event

This event is triggered every time a pre-employee moves between the stages of the admission process (including the “Admission Concluded” stage).

This event is commonly used in Gupy Admissão integrations with payroll systems. For more information on how to perform this integration, please refer to our model available here


The following ids represent the dependent type ids:

IDDependent Type
164a646f-cc83-462e-8f83-f206703d6843Companheiro(a) com o(a) qual tenha filho ou viva há mais de 5 (cinco) anos ou possua declaração de união estável.
3808db5b-b808-4cf0-97c6-9ac15cc98125Filho(a) ou enteado(a).
4360f57d-bce0-49eb-90f7-e4d0d680e045Filho(a) ou enteado(a), universitário(a) ou cursando escola técnica de 2º grau.
94a1ba31-e6a4-49ce-8d6f-f92630e49a9cIrmão(ã), neto(a) ou bisneto(a) sem arrimo dos pais, do(a) qual detenha a guarda judicial.
d8e32995-e253-43d8-b632-b4317b21ee97Irmão(ã), neto(a) ou bisneto(a) sem arrimo dos pais, universitário(a) ou cursando escola técnica de 2º grau, do(a) qual detenha a guarda judicial.
bd1254c0-21b8-4b72-9152-c4ff41402f47Pais, avós e bisavós.
b8a3e77a-fcf1-40ea-80cf-aea313969043Menor pobre do qual detenha a guarda judicial.
b0264e29-fa41-454e-8a06-8de38b7a9e68Pessoa absolutamente incapaz, da qual seja tutor ou curador.

Notification properties

The notification will be sent with the following properties:

jobobjectBasic job information
↳ idinteger/nullJob identifier (this attribute will be null only for pre-employees inserted directly in Gupy Admissão)
↳ codestringJob posting code
↳ namestringJob name
↳ departmentobjectJob department information (id, name, code and similarity)
↳ roleobjectJob role information (id, name, code and similarity)
↳ branchobject/nullJob branch (id, name and code)
↳ customFieldsarrayCustom fields of job (this attribute will always be an empty array for pre-employees inserted directly in Gupy Admissão)
↳↳idstringCustom field id
↳↳titlestringCustom field title
↳↳valuestringCustom field value (if value is filled, otherwise this field will not be available)
applicationobject/nullApplication information (this attribute will be null only for pre-employees inserted directly in Gupy Admissão)
↳ idnumberApplication identifier
↳ scoredoubleScore of the candidate given by the Gupy platform
↳ preHiringInformationobjectPre-hiring step information (if this step is used in the job)
↳ tagsarrayTags applied to the application
↳ currentStepobjectCurrent step of the application
↳ ↳ idstringStep identifier
↳ ↳ namestringStep name
candidateobjectCandidate information
↳ namestringCandidate name
↳ lastNamestringCandidate last name
↳ emailstringCandidate e-mail
↳ identificationDocumentstring/nullThe identification document of the candidate, In Brazil, this refers to the CPF number. This information will be null for pre-employees inserted directly in Gupy Admissão until the pre-employee accepts the invitation to the process.
↳ countryOfOriginstring/nullCountry of origin of the candidate (eg. Brasil)
↳ birthdatestring/nullBirth date of the candidate
↳ addressZipCodestring/nullAddress zip code
↳ addressStreetstring/nullAddress street name
↳ addressNumberstring/nullAddress number/complement
↳ addressCitystring/nullAddress city
↳ addressStatestring/nullAddress state full name
↳ addressStateShortNamestring/nullAddress state short name (eg. SP)
↳ addressCountrystring/nullAddress country
↳ addressCountryShortNamestring/nullCountry short name (eg. BR)
↳ mobileNumberstring/nullMobile phone number
↳ phoneNumberstring/nullPhone number
↳ schoolingstring/enum/nullCandidate schooling
↳ schoolingStatusstring/enum/nullCandidate schooling status
↳ disabilitiesbooleanCandidate is a person with disabilities
↳ genderstring/enum/nullCandidate gender (Male, Female, Other, NotInformed)
preEmployeeobjectPre-employee's admission process info
↳ idnumberPre-employee's identifier
↳ fullNamestringPre-employee full name
↳ statusstringCurrent admission status id (current step in the admission process)
↳ statusNamestringCurrent admission status name (current step in the admission process)
↳ previousStatusstringPrevious admission status id (previous step in the admission process)
↳ previousStatusNamestringPrevious admission status name (previous step in the admission process)
↳ hiringDatestringDate which a pre-employee started the admission process
↳ admissionDeadlinestringDate that blocks a pre-employee from sending documents. (default of 7 days after hiringDate)
↳ documentsTemplateobjectAn object containing information from a template of documents used in an admission process of a pre-employee
↳↳ idnumbertemplate of documents id
↳↳ namestringAvailable only after pre-employee accepted the admission process invite
↳ documentsobjectAn object with all informed documents (from pre-employee and its dependents, if available).
↳↳ preEmployeearrayA list of all documents from employee
↳↳↳ idnumber/stringThe document id
↳↳↳ namestringThe document name
↳↳↳ valuesobjectAn object with document fields
↳↳↳ schemaobjectThe base schema from document
↳↳↳↳ idintegerSchema identifier
↳↳↳↳ namestringSchema name
↳↳↳↳ companyIdinteger/nullIdentifier of the company that created the document. Gupy default documents will be null
↳↳↳↳additionalPropertiesobject/nullAn object listing all additional properties of the schema
↳↳↳↳ uiSchema (deprecated)objectAn object listing all UI properties of the schema
↳↳↳↳ schemaobjectThe second level schema from document
↳↳↳↳↳ requiredarrayA list of all required fields from schema
↳↳↳↳↳ propertiesobjectAn object listing all field types and names
↳↳↳↳↳descriptionstringAn optional description of the schema
↳↳↳↳↳dependenciesobjectAn object listing the possible dependencies of the schema
↳↳↳↳↳definitionsobjectAn object listing the possible definitions of the schema
↳↳↳ validationobjectThe validation of a document
↳↳↳ missingbooleanTells whether a pre-employee has the document or not
↳↳ dependentsarrayA list of all pre-employee's dependents
↳↳↳ namestringThe dependent name
↳↳↳ dependentTypeIdstringThe dependent type id.
↳↳↳ documentsarrayA list of all documents from this dependent. Follows the same structure as admission.documents.preEmployee.
↳↳ stepsarrayA list of all steps with forms that a pre-employee filled
↳↳↳ stepNamestringThe name of step
↳↳↳ formsarrayFilled form with pre-employee data
Follows the same structure as admission.documents.preEmployee.
↳↳↳ triggerStepbooleanIndicative that the step is an integration trigger
↳ positionobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position
↳↳ positionIdnumberid of position
↳↳ integratingAgentstring/nullPosition integration agent
↳↳ contractEndDateDate/nullContract end date
↳↳ paymentRecurrencestring/nullPosition payment recurrence
↳↳ registrationstring/nullPosition registration
↳↳↳valuenumber/nullSalary value
↳↳↳currencystring/nullSalary currency (e.g.: R$, $, £, €)
↳↳branchobjectPosition branch (id, name and code)
↳↳departmentobjectPosition department information (id, name and code)
↳↳roleobjectPosition role information (id, name and code)
↳↳costCenterobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position cost center
↳↳↳idstringCost center id
↳↳↳namestringCost center name
↳↳↳codestringCost center code
↳↳↳branchobjectCost center branch (id, label and code)
↳↳↳departmentobjectCost center department information (id, name and cod
↳↳workShiftobjectAn object contain all information related to current admission position work shift
↳↳↳idstringWork shift id
↳↳↳namestringWork shift name
↳↳↳codestringWork shift code
↳↳↳descriptionstringWork shift description
↳↳↳workloadstringWork shift workload
↳↳ customFieldsarrayCustom fields of position
↳↳↳idstringCustom field id
↳↳↳titlestringCustom field title
↳↳↳valuestringCustom field value (if value is filled, otherwise this field will not be available)
↳↳↳isIntegratedbooleanCustom field integration flag
benefitsEnabledbooleanBenefits feature activate flag
benefitsobjectPre-employee's benefits info
↳contractsarrayList of pre employee’s benefits adherence contracts
↳↳idstringBenefits adherence contract id
↳↳namestringBenefits adherence contract name
↳transportVoucherobjectBenefit transport voucher info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit transport voucher id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit transport voucher title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit transport voucher type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit transport voucher signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit transport voucher description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit transport voucher term and condition (true or false)
↳↳reasonForNotWantingstring/nullBenefit transport voucher reason for not wanting (when the pre employee does not adhere to the benefit)
↳↳modalitystring/nullBenefit transport voucher modality (Ônibus, Trem or Metrô)
↳↳amountDaystring/nullBenefit transport voucher amount day
↳↳itinerarystring/nullBenefit transport voucher itinerary
↳dentalPlanobjectBenefit dental plan info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit dental plan id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit dental plan title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit dental plan type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit dental plan signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit dental plan description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit dental plan term and condition (true or false)
↳↳includeDependentsstring/nullBenefit dental plan term include dependents flag (Sim or Não)
↳↳dependentsarrayBenefit dental plan dependents
↳↳↳idnumberBenefit dental plan dependent id
↳healthAssuranceobjectBenefit health assurance info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit health assurance id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit health assurance title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit health assurance type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit health assurance signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit health assurance description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit health assurance term and condition (true or false)
↳↳includeDependentsstring/nullBenefit health assurance term include dependents flag (Sim or Não)
↳↳dependentsarrayBenefit health assurance dependents
↳↳↳idnumberBenefit health assurance dependent id
↳lifeAssuranceobjectBenefit life assurance info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit life assurance id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit life assurance title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit life assurance type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit life assurance signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit life assurance description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit life assurance term and condition (true or false)
↳↳beneficiariesarrayBenefit life assurance beneficiaries list
↳↳↳namestringBenefit life assurance beneficiary name
↳↳↳percentageOfParticipationstringBenefit life assurance beneficiary percentage of participation
↳↳↳relationshipstringBenefit life assurance beneficiary relationship
↳foodAndMealobjectBenefit food and meal info
↳↳idnumber/nullBenefit food and meal id
↳↳titlestring/nullBenefit food and meal title
↳↳typestring/nullBenefit food and meal type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignatureboolean/nullBenefit food and meal signature flag
↳↳descriptionstring/nullBenefit food and meal description
↳↳termAndConditionstring/nullBenefit food and meal term and condition (true or false)
↳↳offerOptionsstring/nullBenefit food and meal offer options (Vale refeição + Vale alimentação, Vale refeição or Vale alimentação)
↳↳observation1string/nullFirst benefit food and meal observation
↳↳observation2string/nullSecond benefit food and meal observation
↳otherarrayBenefit other infos
↳↳idnumberBenefit other id
↳↳titlestringBenefit other title
↳↳typestringBenefit other type (optional or mandatory)
↳↳needSignaturebooleanBenefit other signature flag
↳↳descriptionstringBenefit other description
↳↳termAndConditionstringBenefit other term and condition (true or false)
↳↳observation1stringFirst benefit other observation
↳↳observation2stringSecond benefit other observation
  "companyName": "ACME",
  "id": "24e99765-8583-4be5-87ae-489c86642964",
  "event": "pre-employee.moved",
  "date": "2019-06-19T23:48:46.952Z",
  "data": {
    "job": {
      "id": 19139,
      "code": "code-19139",
      "name": "Developer",
      "department": {
        "id": 45,
        "code": "45124",
        "name": "App Development",
        "similarity": "technology"
      "role": {
        "id": 56,
        "code": "123456",
        "name": "Developer",
        "similarity": "developer"
      "branch": {
        "id": 1895,
        "code": "1234",
        "name": "GUPY > BRANCH 1"
      "customFields": [
          "id": "7bd3b8ba-180b-4ae2-b397-240f8fb249c6",
          "title": "Pergunta",
          "value": "Resposta"
    "application": {
      "id": 2937132,
      "score": 71.570454783086,
      "preHiringInformation": {
        "key1": "value1",
        "key2": "value2"
      "tags": [
      "currentStep": {
        "id": 86547,
        "name": "Pré-contratação"
    "candidate": {
      "id": 1999450,
      "name": "John",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "identificationDocument": "25272626207",
      "countryOfOrigin": "Brasil",
      "birthdate": "1994-11-16",
      "addressZipCode": "01414-905",
      "addressStreet": "Rua Haddock Lobo",
      "addressNumber": "595 - 10º andar",
      "addressCity": "São Paulo",
      "addressState": "São Paulo",
      "addressStateShortName": "SP",
      "addressCountry": "Brasil",
      "addressCountryShortName": "BR",
      "mobileNumber": "+5511999990000",
      "phoneNumber": "+551130000000",
      "schooling": "technical_course",
      "schoolingStatus": "complete",
      "disabilities": false,
      "gender": "Male"
    "benefitsEnabled": true,
    "benefits": {
      "contracts": [
          "id": "48fd89f7-7457-4ff3-b26d-0c5956b51a40",
          "name": "Contrato de adesão ao benefício de plano odontológico"
          "id": "269228a3-422a-4d6c-8ce0-cc2f82100ae7",
          "name": "Contrato de adesão ao benefício de seguro de vida"
      "transportVoucher": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "reasonForNotWanting": null,
        "modality": null,
        "amountDay": null,
        "itinerary": null
      "dentalPlan": {
        "id": 6045,
        "title": "Plano dental 340",
        "type": "optional",
        "needSignature": true,
        "description": "Descrição do plano odontológico",
        "termAndCondition": "true",
        "includeDependents": "Sim",
        "dependents": [ 
            "id": 8369 
      "healthAssurance": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "includeDependents": null,
        "dependents": []
      "lifeAssurance": {
        "id": 6046,
        "title": "Beneficio seguro de vida",
        "type": "optional",
        "needSignature": true,
        "description": "Descrição do benefício de seguro de vida",
        "termAndCondition": "true",
        "beneficiaries": [
            "name": "Pedro",
            "percentageOfParticipation": "50",
            "relationship": "Filho(a)"
            "name": "Henrique",
            "percentageOfParticipation": "50",
            "relationship": "Filho(a)"
      "foodAndMeal": {
        "id": null,
        "title": null,
        "type": null,
        "needSignature": null,
        "description": null,
        "termAndCondition": null,
        "offerOptions": null,
        "observation1": null,
        "observation2": null
      "other": [
          "id": 5987,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros",
          "type": "optional",
          "needSignature": true,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio Outros</p>",
          "termAndCondition": null,
          "observation1": null,
          "observation2": null
          "id": 5990,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros 2",
          "type": "mandatory",
          "needSignature": false,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio outros 2</p>",
          "termAndCondition": "true",
          "observation1": "Qualquer observação 1",
          "observation2": "Qualquer observação 2"
          "id": 5989,
          "title": "Beneficio Outros 4",
          "type": "optional",
          "needSignature": true,
          "description": "<p>Beneficio outros 4</p>",
          "termAndCondition": "true",
          "observation1": "Qualquer observação 1",
          "observation2": "Qualquer observação 2"
    "admission": {
      "status": "SIGNING_CONTRACT",
      "admissionDeadline": "2019-06-26T00:00:00.000",
      "hiringDate": "2019-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
      "documentsTemplate": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "List of Documents"
      "documents": {
        "preEmployee": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "CNH",
            "values": {
              "name": "Pre-Employee",
              "number": 1313213
            "validation": {
              "status": "APPROVED",
              "validatedAt": "2020-09-17T22: 49: 10.981Z",
              "companyUserId": 1
            "schema": {
              "id": 1,
              "name": "CNH",
              "companyId": null,
              "additionalProperties": {
                "additionalProperty1": {
                  "attribute": true
              "uiSchema": {
                "name": {
                  "ui:field": "text",
                  "ui:options": {
                    "option1": true,
                    "option2": [
                    "option3": {
                      "attribute1": "value1",
                      "attribute2": 2
                  "ui:help": "text"
                "number": {
                  "ui:field": "number"
                "ui:order": [
              "schema": {
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                  "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Nome Completo"
                  "number": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "title": "Número da CNH"
                "description": "",
                "dependencies": {},
                "definitions": {}
            "missing": false
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Comprovante de residência",
            "schema": {
              "id": 2,
              "name": "Comprovante de residência",
              "companyId": null,
              "additionalProperties": {
                "isCity": {
                  "cidade": true
                "isState": {
                  "estado": true
                "isCountry": {
                  "pais": true
              "uiSchema": {
                "cep": {
                  "ui:field": "text",
                  "ui:options": {
                    "mask": [
                    "exactLength": {
                      "title": "CEP",
                      "expectedLength": 8
                "pais": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "tipo": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "bairro": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
                "cidade": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "estado": {
                  "ui:field": "select"
                "numero": {
                  "ui:field": "houseNumber"
                "ui:order": [
                "logradouro": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
                "complemento": {
                  "ui:field": "text"
              "schema": {
                "required": [
                "properties": {
                  "cep": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "CEP",
                    "description": "00000-000"
                  "pais": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "País"
                  "tipo": {
                    "enum": [],
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Tipo"
                  "bairro": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Bairro"
                  "cidade": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Cidade"
                  "estado": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Estado"
                  "numero": {
                    "type": [
                    "title": "Número"
                  "logradouro": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Logradouro (ex: nome da rua)"
                  "complemento": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "title": "Complemento"
                "definitions": {},
                "dependencies": {}
        "dependents": [
            "name": "Dependente 1",
            "dependentTypeId": "3808db5b-b808-4cf0-97c6-9ac15cc98125",
            "documents": [
                "id": null,
                "name": "Dados do dependente",
                "values": {
                  "cpf": "12345678900",
                  "name": "Dependente 1"
                "validation": null,
                "missing": false,
                "schema": {
                  "id": null,
                  "name": "Dados do dependente",
                  "companyId": null,
                  "additionalProperties": {},
                  "uiSchema": {
                    "name": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "cpf": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "ui:order": [
                  "schema": {
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "name": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Nome"
                      "cpf": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "CPF"
                    "description": "",
                    "dependencies": {},
                    "definitions": {}
        "steps": [
            "stepName": "Benefícios",
            "triggerStep": true,
            "forms": [
                "id": null,
                "name": "Plano de Saúde",
                "values": {
                  "cpf": "12345678900",
                  "name": "Fulano de Tal"
                "validation": null,
                "missing": false,
                "schema": {
                  "id": null,
                  "name": "Plano de Saúde",
                  "companyId": null,
                  "additionalProperties": {},
                  "uiSchema": {
                    "name": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "cpf": {
                      "ui:field": "text"
                    "ui:order": [
                  "schema": {
                    "required": [
                    "properties": {
                      "cpf": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "CPF"
                      "name": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "title": "Nome"
      "position": {
        "positionId": 1000,
        "integratingAgent": "senai",
        "contractEndDate": "2023-10-31T03:00:00.000Z",
        "paymentRecurrence": "mensalista",
        "registration": "123321",
        "salary": {
          "value": 1250.5,
          "currency": "R$"
        "department": {
          "id": 1,
          "code": "1234",
          "name": "Development"
        "role": {
          "id": 523,
          "code": "44322",
          "name": "Developer"
        "branch": {
          "id": 3321,
          "code": "123",
          "label": "BRANCH > BRANCH 1"
        "customFields": [
            "id": "7bd3b8ba-180b-4ae2-b397-240f8fb249c6",
            "title": "Pergunta",
            "value": "Resposta",
            "isIntegrated": true
        "costCenter": {
          "id": 448,
          "code": "CODCENCOST",
          "name": "NomeCentroCustoXYZ",
          "department": {
            "id": 19605,
            "code": null,
            "name": "Area 1"
          "branch": {
            "id": 116304,
            "code": "ARAPIRACA",
            "label": "BRANCH > ARAPIRACA"
        "workShift": {
          "id": 3,
          "code": "TURNO 2",
          "name": "Teste Turno",
          "description": "Descrição",
          "workload": "180",
          "letter": "ABC"