This notification can be sent when the candidate is moved to another step of the job, except reproved and dropped out.
Notification properties
The notification will be sent with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
job | object | Basic job information |
↳ id | integer | Job identifier |
↳ name | string | Job name |
↳ type | string | Job type |
↳ departmentCode | string | Job department code |
↳ roleCode | string | Job role code |
↳ branchCode | string | Job branch code |
↳ customFields | array | Job custom fields (id, title, value) |
↳ department | object | Job department information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ role | object | Job role information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ branch | object | Job branch (id, name and code) |
application | object | Application information |
↳ id | number | Application identifier |
↳ score | double | Score of the candidate given by the Gupy platform |
↳ partnerName | string | Partner name, the origin of the candidate |
↳ status | string | Application status (give_up, reproved, in_process, hired) |
↳ preHiringInformation | object | Pre-hiring step information (if this step is used in the job) |
↳ tags | array | Tags applied to the application |
↳ currentStep | object | Current step of the application |
↳ ↳ id | integer | Step identifier |
↳ ↳ name | string | Step name |
↳ ↳ type | string/enum | Step type (register, online, offline, pre_hire, final) |
↳ previousStep | object | Previous step of the application |
↳ ↳ id | integer | Step identifier |
↳ ↳ name | string | Step name |
↳ ↳ type | string/enum | Step type (register, online, offline, pre_hire, final) |
candidate | object | Candidate information |
↳ name | string | Candidate name |
↳ lastName | string | Candidate last name |
string | Candidate e-mail | |
↳ identificationDocument | string | The identification document of the candidate (in Brazil is the CPF number) |
↳ countryOfOrigin | string | Country of origin of the candidate (eg. Brasil) |
↳ birthdate | string | Birth date of the candidate |
↳ addressZipCode | string | Address zip code |
↳ addressStreet | string | Address street name |
↳ addressNumber | string | Address number/complement |
↳ addressCity | string | Address city |
↳ addressState | string | Address state full name |
↳ addressStateShortName | string | Address state short name (eg. SP) |
↳ addressCountry | string | Address country |
↳ addressCountryShortName | string | Country short name (eg. BR) |
↳ mobileNumber | string | Mobile phone number |
↳ phoneNumber | string | Phone number |
↳ schooling | string/enum | Candidate schooling |
↳ schoolingStatus | string/enum | Candidate schooling status |
↳ disabilities | boolean | Candidate is a person with disabilities |
↳ gender | string/enum | Candidate gender (Male, Female, Other, NotInformed) |
user | object | The user who moved the application. If the action was made automatically, this field will be null. |
↳ id | integer | User id |
↳ name | string | User name |
string | User e-mail |
"companyName": "ACME",
"id": "24e99765-8583-4be5-87ae-489c86642974",
"event": "application.moved",
"date": "2019-06-19T23:48:46.952Z",
"data": {
"job": {
"id": 19139,
"name": "Developer",
"type": "vacancy_type_effective",
"departmentCode": "2499",
"roleCode": "73",
"branchCode": "57",
"customFields": [
"id": "0ba5013e-1496-4853-8390-39de1b08f3td",
"title": "This is a custom field",
"value": "The value of custom field"
"department": {
"id": 45,
"code": "2499",
"name": "App Development",
"similarity": "technology"
"role": {
"id": 56,
"code": "73",
"name": "Developer",
"similarity": "developer"
"branch": {
"id": 1895,
"code": "57",
"name": "GUPY > BRANCH 1"
"application": {
"id": 2937132,
"score": 71.570454783086,
"partnerName": "linkedin",
"status": "in_process",
"preHiringInformation": {},
"tags": ["tag 1", "tag 2"],
"currentStep": {
"id": 86546,
"name": "Cadastro",
"type": "register"
"previousStep": {
"id": 86549,
"name": "Interview"
"type": "offline"
"candidate": {
"id": 1999450,
"name": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"identificationDocument": "25272626207",
"countryOfOrigin": "Brasil",
"birthdate": "1994-11-16",
"addressZipCode": "01414-905",
"addressStreet": "Rua Haddock Lobo",
"addressNumber": "595 - 10º andar",
"addressCity": "São Paulo",
"addressState": "São Paulo",
"addressStateShortName": "SP",
"addressCountry": "Brasil",
"addressCountryShortName": "BR",
"mobileNumber": "+5511999990000",
"phoneNumber": "+551130000000",
"schooling": "technical_course",
"schoolingStatus": "complete",
"disabilities": false,
"gender": "Male"
"user": {
"id": 48000,
"name": "User",
"email": ""