This notification can be sent when an application is assigned to another job.
Notification properties
The notification will be sent with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
job | object | Basic job information |
↳ id | integer | Job identifier |
↳ name | string | Job name |
↳ type | string | Job type |
↳ departmentCode | string | Job department code |
↳ roleCode | string | Job role code |
↳ branchCode | string | Job branch code |
↳ department | object | Job department information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ role | object | Job role information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ branch | object | Job branch (id, name and code) |
application | object | Application information |
↳ id | integer | Application identifier |
↳ score | double | Score of the candidate given by the Gupy platform |
↳ partnerName | string | Partner name, the origin of the candidate |
↳ tags | array | Tags applied to the application |
↳ currentStep | object | Current step of the application |
↳ ↳ id | integer | Step identifier |
↳ ↳ name | string | Step name |
candidate | object | Candidate information |
↳ name | string | Candidate name |
↳ lastName | string | Candidate last name |
string | Candidate e-mail | |
↳ identificationDocument | string | The identification document of the candidate (in Brazil is the CPF number) |
↳ countryOfOrigin | string | Country of origin of the candidate (eg. Brasil) |
↳ birthdate | string | Birth date of the candidate |
↳ addressZipCode | string | Address zip code |
↳ addressStreet | string | Address street name |
↳ addressNumber | string | Address number/complement |
↳ addressCity | string | Address city |
↳ addressState | string | Address state full name |
↳ addressStateShortName | string | Address state short name (eg. SP) |
↳ addressCountry | string | Address country |
↳ addressCountryShortName | string | Country short name (eg. BR) |
↳ mobileNumber | string | Mobile phone number |
↳ phoneNumber | string | Phone number |
↳ schooling | string | Candidate schooling |
↳ schoolingStatus | string/enum | Candidate schooling status |
↳ disabilities | boolean | Candidate is a person with disabilities |
↳ gender | string/enum | Candidate gender (Male, Female, Other, NotInformed) |
assignedFrom | object | The job the candidate came for |
↳ id | integer | Job identifier |
↳ name | string | Job name |
↳ departmentCode | string | Job department code |
↳ roleCode | string | Job role code |
↳ branchCode | string | Job branch code |
↳ type | string | Job type |
↳ department | object | Job department information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ role | object | Job role information (id, name, code and similarity) |
↳ branch | object | Job branch (id, name and code) |
assignedBy | object | The user who assigned the application |
↳ id | integer | User identifier |
↳ name | string | User name |
string | User email | |
↳ code | string | User code |
Example Payload
"job": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Casting for Game of Thrones",
"departmentCode": "D-123",
"roleCode": "R-123",
"branchCode": "B-123",
"type": "vacancy_type_effective",
"department": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Dep 123",
"code": "D-123",
"similarity": "human_resources"
"role": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Role 123",
"code": "R-123",
"similarity": "manager"
"branch": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Branch 123",
"code": "B-123"
"application": {
"id": 999,
"tags": [
"King in the North"
"score": 98,
"partnerName": null,
"currentStep": {
"id": 999,
"name": "Cadastro"
"candidate": {
"name": "Jon",
"lastName": "Snow",
"email": "",
"identificationDocument": "12345678900",
"countryOfOrigin": "Winterfell",
"birthdate": "1997-03-15",
"addressZipCode": "12300123",
"addressStreet": "Rua dos Bobos",
"addressNumber": "123",
"addressCity": "Winterfell",
"addressState": "Rio de Janeiro",
"addressStateShortName": "RJ",
"addressCountry": "Westeros",
"addressCountryShortName": "BR",
"mobileNumber": "+5511919191234",
"phoneNumber": "+551131239191",
"schooling": "graduation",
"schoolingStatus": "complete",
"id": 999,
"gender": "Male",
"disabilities": true
"assignedFrom": {
"id": 4,
"name": "Casting for Game of Thrones",
"departmentCode": "D-123",
"roleCode": "R-123",
"branchCode": "B-123",
"type": "vacancy_type_effective",
"department": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Dep 123",
"code": "D-123",
"similarity": "human_resources"
"role": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Role 123",
"code": "R-123",
"similarity": "manager"
"branch": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Branch 123",
"code": "B-123"
"assignedBy": {
"id": 2000,
"name": "Gupy User",
"email": "",
"code": "123456789"